How Speeding Resulted in a Tragic Accident in Fort Worth

Obtaining a Car Crash Report in Johnson and Parker Counties
Pursuing just compensation after an accident requires a crash report. But, what is the process of obtaining a crash report like?
There are designated offices for releasing of crash reports in different counties of Fort Worth.
Obtaining a Crash Report in Fort Worth
According to SimmonsAndFletcher.com, there are different ways to obtain a copy of a crash report in Fort Worth. Getting a copy can be done online by visiting https://Police.FortWorthTexas.gov. Another way to get an accident report is by calling the Fort Worth Police Department Records at 817-398-4160. It may take 10 days before a report is released through the City of Forth Worth due to the first-come, first-served policy. Request a copy in person or by mail at 1000 Calvert St., Fort Worth, TX 76107.
Getting a Report in Tarrant and Denton Counties
Requesting a copy of an accident report in Tarrant County requires getting in touch with the Tarrant County Sherriff’s Records Division at 817-884-2942. A copy of a crash report can also be emailed to a customer upon request. A customer needs to email TCS_Records@tarrantcounty.com. Mail or in-person request is at the Tarrant County Sherrif’s Office Records Division, 200 Taylor Street, 6th Floor, Forth Worth, TX 76196
A crash report created at the scene of an accident should have a report number. It is important to get the number from the police officer to be able to expedite the retrieval of the crash report.
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In Denton County, a request for a crash report can be made online. A customer needs to use the state’s reporting system or make a profile on the county website to get started. For information, call the Denton County Police Department’s Custodian of Records at 940-349-1630.
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