Tire Issues That Cause Road Accidents

The Dangers of Head-On Collision and Vehicle Rollover Accidents
Weather conditions are known to have caused many road accidents in Texas. In February 2021 alone, a hailstorm caused a multiple car pileup accident that included more than 100 vehicles.
Inclement weather and the resulting bad road conditions are included in the most common car accidents listed in an article on SmartMotorist.com. Such conditions are enough reasons for a driver in Texas exercise caution on the road.
Wet Roads
Driving on wet roads can be very dangerous. According to the article, when driving on wet roads, rolling traction of tires is reduced by almost 50 percent in comparison with the traction on dry roads. In fact, rainy weather is cited as the main cause of weather-related road accidents.
While wet roads can increase the likelihood of car accidents, there are ways to avoid getting in a car accident when driving on the dangerous roads. A driver must slow down and focus on driving in an effort to prevent an accident from happening. A driver also needs to ensure that the car tires are in great condition. Another way for a driver to exercise caution when driving on wet roads is to stop the car when it starts to rain heavily.
Snowy and Icy Roads
Roads covered in ice and snow greatly reduce the rolling traction of tires. A snowstorm not only affects the traction performance of a car, but also can significantly impair visibility.
If staying off the roads is not possible, it is advisable to exercise caution when driving on both snowy and icy roads. According to the article, driving slowly and gently helps avoid a car accident in such road conditions. In addition, the article also recommends investing in a set of snow tires that are of quality.
About 5-Star Autoplex
5 Star Autoplex is a trusted auto body repair shop in Fort Worth, Texas. The company offers 100% customer satisfaction guarantee while keeping (auto accident repair) costs low. It even provides a way for customers to save up to $1,000 on their deductibles. Get a free estimate now!