Difference Between Bumper and Fender Repairs

A Guide on Car Paint Work Process
Taking a car to an auto body shop after a car crash is always necessary. Small repairs like a bumper repair is important when ensuring that a car continues to function at its best and provides security to occupants.
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(Paint and body work) for cars is a step-by-step process that takes expertise to achieve the best results, according to an article on CompleteCollision.com. The same article provides the thorough process that cars have to go through when being repaired.
Cost Estimate
An estimate includes inspection of a car to know what damages the car has sustained. A software program for cost estimates should give a customer a good idea of the repair cost based on the inspection. But, remember that the car might still need disassembly to check for hidden damages.
Disassembly and Parts Replacement
A car that is disassembled may reveal hidden damages. There are times that a car is damaged so severely that certain parts and components need to be replaced by a (collision repair) shop. The repair shop then need to contact the insurance company for re-inspection and ordering of new parts.
The repair shop also needs to wait for parts to be delivered to get started on the repair process. The availability of parts must be checked first.
Structural Damage Repair
The repair process begins with a repair of the structural damage a car sustained in an auto collision. The company Complete Collision uses a computer-based software program to analyze the frame of a damaged car to be able to restore it according manufacturer requirements.
Body Repair
Body repair for a car may involve replacement of exterior car panels and all (metal finishing). Sheet metal installation and alignment may also become necessary.
Auto paintwork is an important step in the process. Trained technicians need to prepare the car panels before priming, painting and sealing to achieve the best result.
Reassembly, Detailing and Completion
To reassemble a car, (collision repair) technicians must put back the final moldings and final detail pieces. The vehicle system of a car is also checked in reassembly. The next step is detailing.
The reassembled car has to be cleaned completely and road-tested. Then, the car is given a final inspection to make sure it has been restored to its pre-accident condition.
The last step is completion, where the owner of a car being repaired gets the bill and signs the final paperwork.